The Arrival Of The Formidable Enemy

On the other hand, Qiangu Dongfeng had no knowledge of this. In reality, Qiangu Dieting was disappointed with Qiangu Dongfeng when he failed in the fight against Shrek and the Tang Sect the last time. 

At present, the quasi god Qiangu Dieting appeared on the battlefield with the Ghost Emperor as his target. The Ghost Emperor could clearly sense the aura from Qiangu Dieting now was completely different than before. It evoked a fearful feeling in him. 

'This old man is crazy! He's going to fight me to his death!'

More abyssal creatures surged out from the cavern at the moment. The Seven Evil Sickles were killed earlier, but there were more than fifty of them which could be seen vaguely in the sky at present. 

All sorts of abyssal creatures in different shapes and forms came surging out of the gigantic cavern to join the destructive legion.