Explode, Eternal Heaven!

The Spirit Monarch was prepared much earlier. He waved his huge hand once. The four great monarch-ranked powerhouses charged out from the array instantly and headed straight toward the oncoming threat. 

A dash of coldness appeared on Ling Zichen's teary-eyed face at the moment in the faraway sky. 

'Try to stop it? Who do you think you are to stop the Eternal Heaven's power?' She had already calculated the launch time during the modification process. 

As the absolute lethal Godkiller-ranked fixed soul ammunition, the Eternal Heaven required some time to reach its destination when launched as a cannon. The Eternal Heaven could possibly be weakened if it was stopped in mid-flight. 

However, it was no longer a cannon anymore. 

"Come on, you d*mn fools. Eternal Heaven, launch!" Ling Zichen called out aloud.