The Flirtatious Kiss

From a place not too far away, the numerous Tang Sect and Shrek Academy's Limit Douluos vaguely saw the scene.

The clueless Qilin Douluo was about to approach them when he was stopped by the Holy Spirit Douluo. 

Gu Yuena's exquisite body was soft and supple. It seemed like she had grown a little taller. She was only slightly shorter than Tang Wulin now.

The scent of her body smelled familiar to him. It was such a moving moment for him to hold her. Tang Wulin felt like he had returned to his past, back to the time when they were together as students in Shrek Academy. 

She was always by his side as she was his most ardent supporter. 

Her scent smelled so pleasant. The faint fragrance of her body brought back the sweet memories of her. 

She raised her head and gazed at him deeply with her purple eyes. This time, she did not make him leave nor did she say anything. She just raised her head and looked up at him.