Break Through The Ring Seal

At that very moment, he could clearly identify the destination in front of him. The land was about three thousand meters away from his current position. He figured that it should be his destination. The land was arc-shaped and the seawater in front of him formed a ring naturally. It was probably the so-called break through the ring seal. 

Upon assessing the situation, he pondered on how to break through the seal next. 

The first two examinations left a profound impression in his mind. On the other hand, during the third examination, he got to observe the auras of his father's three opponents which, however, did not leave a good impression on him. 

A faint smile emerged on Tang Wulin's face and a wisp of icy cold divine glow could be seen. In the next moment, his body was already swallowed by the seawater. 

Tang Wulin immediately felt the difference the moment he was swallowed by the seawater.