Fuse With Father’s Bloodline

'This is it. A million years, it's here. It's still alive and it's back…' It was a fearful thought, but also the only thought it retained. 

'A million years? What's a million years?' The devil soul great white shark princess was stunned. In the next moment, she suddenly thought of a possibility. 

One million years, only that entity could possibly be a one million year entity. 

'It's here? It's back! It killed my clansmen. It killed my… mother!'


"The Sea God's Seventh Examination - the most powerful duel against the one million year deep sea devil whale king. 

Tang Wulin could not help feeling shocked when he heard the phrase in his mind. 

The deep sea devil whale king? One million years? Was that the one million year soul beast mentioned by the evil devil killer whale king earlier?

Just as he was still pondering in his heart, the deep voice was heard once again. The voice began explaining in earnest.