The Underworld Emperor Was Injured Next

Gu Yuena swiftly leaped up and stretched out her right arm behind her. As she leaned back, the Silver Dragon Spear in her hand turned into a ray of incandescent radiance. She threw it directly at the abyssal passage. 

After the violent tremor earlier, the abyssal passage had only just stabilized. It had regained its ability to devour abyssal energy on the battlefield once again.

The Silver Dragon Spear descended from the sky, and where it passed, a large amount of abyssal energy was taken by force. Not only that, the tip of the Silver Dragon Spear was also pointing straight at one of the Holy Spirit Cult's two emperors, the Underworld King Douluo Ha Luosa. 

At that moment, Ha Luosa's opponent was the Titan Douluo Yuanen Zhentian.