I Haven’t Lost

He simply could not imagine why this situation would happen. She was supposed to be his woman! She had been dating him! Although Qiangu Zhangting had figured out that there was a special relationship between Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin, he was always under the assumption that he was the only man that had taken Gu Yuena based on the illusion in the past. 

At that moment, he had to watch helplessly as Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena stood side by side. They appeared to be such a well-matched couple. The intense jealousy in his heart almost drove him to madness. 

'No, no, no! Nana is mine. She's mine. How? How did it come to this?'

After he was defeated by Tang Wulin before, everything changed too quickly. The changes kept coming at any moment, especially after Gu Yuena was appointed as the Spirit Pagoda's new Pagoda Master. It was simply unimaginable for him!