Nine Palace Boxes

The golden halo was extremely peculiar. It seemed like there were little golden angels flapping their wings on the halo. 

Where the halo passed, the gray masses were fast disappearing akin to melting ice. The dead souls turned into flying dust before vanishing completely. Even the Ghost Emperor's ghost flame turned dimmer. 

It was the Holy Dispel!

The Underworld Emperor was obviously displeased. He was injured during a battle with Gu Yuena earlier, and his Underworld King Sword was broken as well. At any rate, the opponent whom he detested the most was Yali. Yali's individual fighting capacity was nothing to shout about, of course. Yet, her holy ability was despised by the Underworld Emperor. 

Meanwhile, the Underworld King Douluo Ha Luosa knew that Yali did not hold back when she unleashed her Holy Dispel. 'Do you really need to do that? The battle has just begun!'