Star Chain

Speckles of starlight shimmered and transformed into a chain of stars instantly, linking the nine of them together. Tang Wulin could feel intense soul power radiating from his back and coursing through his body. 

The Golden Dragon Spear in his hand began to glow and turned razor-sharp. Tang Wulin swung the spear and cut out a golden light ray in the sky. 

The fine ray of light stretched rapidly as if it was trying to link Heaven and Earth. 

As the thick purple-gold radiance rushed at him, it split like parting waves and skimmed past the sides of Tang Wulin's line formation. Tang Wulin and the rest remained floating in the same spot without budging at all. 

The Demon Empress was stunned for a moment upon seeing her attack neutralized so easily. She was a God-ranked powerhouse so all of her attacks were of that standard. 

However, she felt oppressed when she saw Tang Wulin launched his attack after fusing nine into one.