Forbid Heaven Vault, Dragon Emperor Die

The first halo unleashed by the Sea God's Trident wrapped around the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss. The two super divine weapons collided and gave out a buzzing sound simultaneously. Tang Wulin leaned back and relied on the Sea God's Trident to support himself as well as to evade the stream of purple radiance. It would be a horrifying outcome if he suffered another cut. 

It was too terrifying! Everything happened so quickly. If he had been just a mite slower or if he did not have the super divine weapon, the result would be fatal if he was hit. It would be death!

It would be very difficult for Tang Wulin to heal himself if his body were cut into two halves regardless of how powerful his self-healing ability was!

However, the tables were turned soon after when the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss was pushed away in the next moment. 

It was the Sea God's Technique, the Indefinite Storm!