An End To All This?

Tang Wulin's entire body had turned nine-colored in the meantime. The Dragon God's aura filled the air around his body. In an instant, he transformed into a nine-colored light ray that shot straight at the abyssal Sage King. 

The abyssal Sage King smiled calmly. "Let's end all this then." As he spoke, he pointed ahead with the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss. All the abyssal creatures immediately charged wildly toward mankind's side akin to a mighty torrent. 

"Fire!" The Divine Brush Douluo Yu Guanzhi dispatched the order in an almost hysterical voice from the command post. 

Everything happened so quickly. When Tang Wulin and Gu Yuena unleashed the Dragon God Transformation, everyone thought the outcome was determined. No one expected the disruptive changes. 

All their hard work and effort seemingly vanished like soap bubbles in an instant. They were about to fight against an entity that was terrifying and powerful beyond imagination.