The Dawn Of A New Era

The Heavenly Phoenix Douluo Leng Yaozhu followed behind them. She appeared to have been battered out of her senses, but she was alive. On the other hand, the Darness Phoenix Douluo Leng Yulai did not appear. Apparently, all the people from the Holy Spirit Cult could not be resurrected. 

Tang Wulin raised his hand and unleashed a layer of light shield to block off the deafening cheers in the surroundings. He looked at the numerous Excellencies before him and gave Gu Yuena's hand a tight squeeze. He said with a smile, "The new era of the Douluo Continent is about to arrive!"

A month later in Mingdu City!

"The results of the election will be announced soon. Mo Lan has been unanimously elected as the new speaker. Please join me to give the Speaker Mo Lan a round of applause to congratulate her."

Mo Lan was dressed in her formal suit today. Her suit had a dark green tone filled with life sources.