I Want My Eternal Heaven Back!

Yi Zichen had just completed one round of his joy. He stumbled and almost lost his balance after seeing the senile Chen Xinjie hugging the young and beautiful Long Yeyue. 

Naturally, the emotional changes in Yi Zichen did not escape the eyes of the two great Limit Douluos. They gazed into one another's eyes and could not help but laugh aloud. 

In Tang Sect. 

"What are you doing there?" asked the puzzled Amorous Douluo Zang Xin upon seeing the Heartless Douluo Cao Dezhi bustling in his room. 

"Why should I tell you?" Cao Dezhi darted him a look. 

Zang Xin said in an unpleasant tone, "You're probably bored with nothing to do, right? Do you want to fight?"

Cao Dezhi smiled. "Do you think that you're a worthy opponent of mine?"

Zang Xin replied furiously, "How am I not a worthy opponent of yours? Let's fight to prove it."

"We'll fight then! I'll show you how powerful I am!" Cao Dezhi did not wish to show any impression of weakness!