No Regrets!

Was that Thought Concretization?

It was a replica of Tang Wulin. His eyes were huge, bright, and filled with high spirits, only that he was scruffily dressed at the moment. 

In the scene, a worn and weary Tang Wulin rushed to the front. 

His hair was unkempt, and he had a pale pallor on his face. He appeared to be breathing erratically.

"Where did you run off to? Why did you only come now?" The replica of Xie Xie which appeared younger snapped at him.

Tang Wulin grimaced as he answered, "It's a long story. Let's compete first. Teacher Wu, I'm able to battle."

Wu Zhangkong looked no different from the Wu Zhangkong who was sealed in ice. Wu Zhangkong looked toward him with an expressionless face and nodded his head before speaking to Long Hengxu, "We've three participants from our class."

Long Hengxu replied, "Class one from the first grade may select three students to compete as well."

"Participants from both classes, please enter."