My Plan

Thanks to Bai Xiaochun, the trial by fire for blood master had been thrown into utter chaos....

In the Endless World of Blood, only poor Jia Lie had been struck with such ill luck... but now, in the Blood Wasteland, even Song Junwan and Xuemei were shocked by what was happening.

Everyone was going mad, and all of it was because of Bai Xiaochun....

It wasn't that Bai Xiaochun wanted it that way. He was just as nervous as everyone else. But his Undying Live Forever Technique was in full operation, and because of the rapid growth of his fleshly body power, Bai Xiaochun's berserk ghosts... increased in number yet again!

The power of eight berserk ghosts caused cracking sounds to ring out from inside of him. Even as his energy surged, Song Que and the others gritted their teeth and joined the group that was chasing Bai Xiaochun!