Use it himself

Lei Zhuo turned around, too lazy to bother with Nie Li any longer. Arguing with a kid like Nie Li will only lower his status.

Nie Li looked at Nie Hai and Nie En and said, “The items that I bid on, I will pay for them myself!”

Nie Hai and Nie En bitterly smiled as they looked at each other. They did not have the slightest prestige in front of Nie Li. They can tell that Nie Li does not have much respect for either of them. In the clan, when kids normally saw them, they would be scared speechless. Yet, Nie Li has an indifferent look on his face.

Truth is, in his previous life, when Nie Li saw Nie Hai and Nie En, he’d get nervous whenever he saw them. However, in this life, Nie Li’s mentality has completely changed. No one can make him fear them and pressure anymore. Not even Ye Ziyun’s grandfather, the Legend rank Ye Mo! Just when Nie Li finished talking, the auction started.