
Long Yuyin aimed three consecutive kicks that exhausted her strength and energy. It was in that moment that she revealed an opening.

When a person kicks, they exert force through the foot and calf. Since people usually train these parts of the body, it’s extremely tough to attack there. Therefore, the inner thighs are the weak spot.

Nie Li only gave a light punch on her inner thighs, but this caused Long Yuyin to completely lose control and fall.

Even though it was only a light punch, its force directly reverberated through her body.

Long Yuyin groaned as she landed to the side with her face ashen. A soury pain and numbness came from her inner thighs, making her unable to stand steadily. She was also embarrassed by where Nie Li had struck her. However, she was the most surprised by the fact that Nie Li’s strength was obviously below her own; so why did she suffer such heavy damage from such a soft punch?