The Battle at the Dao Debate Palace

Ji Ning's group of three landed at the gates to the Dao Debate Palace. As they looked inwards, they saw that although it was night, the insides of the Dao Debate Palace were brightly lit, and the sound of calm laughter rang out from within.

"Senior apprentice-sister Ninelotus, I'll accept these hundred black-white pellets and five kilograms of liquefied elemental essence." The speaker was a white-robed man, who had a blood-drop pattern atop his white robes. It was Bloodrinker Bladask. Bladask had a hint of delight on his face; clearly, he was quite happy at having won a victory in the Dao Debate.

In front of him, seated in the lotus position, was a long-haired maiden dressed in water-blue robes. She arose and flew over, landing nearby and shaking her head. "Three years ago, I was able to beat you by a hair, junior apprentice-brother Bladask. I didn't expect that this time, I'd be defeated by you."