Lu Dongbin Accepts a Disciple

Ji Ning, Adept Blackstone, and Adept Woodpass quickly came to understand the situation. It wasn't so bad for Adept Woodpass, but Ji Ning and Adept Blackstone found it hard to refrain from feeling envy.

Becoming a Daofather's disciple! Aside from personal effort, luck was another part of it!

"Xiamang," Seatopple said, puzzled. "I heard you say earlier that it seems as though of the three, Ji Ning is the youngest. In addition, he also became number one in this Conclave. In turn, Blackstone is a grandmaster in formations. Why would the Daofather end up choosing Adept Woodpass?"

"How should I know?" The Xia Emperor shook his head. However, in his heart, the Xia Emperor thought back to his Primaltwin's visit with Daofather Crimsonbright.
