Redsnows Name

As soon as Ji Ning spoke out, all seven of the Empyrean Gods, along with the giant yellow bear, simultaneously turned to look towards him.

"You really want us to act?" The lovely Empyrean God Snow Scorpion sent urgently to him.

"Don't regret it." The child-like Empyrean God Primalfire sent mentally as well.

"We've only promised to assist you once," the bald Empyrean God Ninefangs looked at Ning as well.

Empyrean God Dovesnake, Empyrean God Sunblaze, Empyrean God Darkmoon, and even the giant yellow bear sent urgent mental queries as well. The reason why they sent mental messages was because the battle outside had reached a fever pitch; they had to communicate in the shortest amount of time possible.

Only Empyrean God Redsnow remained silent. He just looked at Ning, who looked back at him. Their gazes met…and their was no hesitation in either of their eyes.

"Assemble the formation." This was the only thing Empyrean God Redsnow said.