
"What's wrong?" Ji Ning immediately asked.

Immortals and Fiendgods would generally be able to withstand the loneliness of solitude. The prisoners of Prisonworld 17, for example, had been trapped for multiple chaos cycles with only a small number committing suicide in desspair. Empyrean God Roughpeak, by comparison, had been trapped here a far shorter period of time.

"Didn't I tell you how I mistook you for 'Snowfiend' earlier?" Roughpeak said.

"Yes." Ning nodded.

"Undermoon Lake is an exceptionally deadly place. Many years ago, I made my way past the sea yaksha and arrived here at this snowy island. When I first arrived, there were no other Empyrean Gods, and so I continued to advance," Roughpeak said. "On the other side of this island, there is another floating wooden bridge. If you proceed past it, you'll encounter Snowfiend."