
Snick! Ji Ning pulled Violetjewel out of Old Man Yuan's corpse. His body was comparable to a top-grade Protocosmic spirit-treasure; destroying it would be no easy feat. Ning would have to attack multiple times at absolute maximum power in order to succeed. Still, Ning couldn't actually be bothered to do that; he would simply use his Five Elements Cauldron to annihilate the body of this alien Outsider who had sinned against them all.

Ning wouldn't even make use of the Five Elements essence from this body, because he viewed it to be filthy! Ning truly felt far too much hatred towards Old Man Yuan, because far too many had died because of him. Many of Ning's old friends, his fellow apprentices, and even overlords had died because of him. All the waters of the universe still wouldn't be enough to wash away the hatred he felt.

