The Grovekeepers

Ji Ning and Ninedust clearly surpass the six warriors in power, but the six warriors had bodies comparable to top-tier Eternal treasures. Each time they were knocked backwards, they would quickly regroup and charge towards the two once again.

"Why the hell are they continuing to attack?" Ninedust sent mentally.

"We're clearly overpowering them, but they continue to press the assault." Ning frowned as well. "Let's just keep advancing. Forget about them."

"Alright." Ning and Ninedust clearly held the upper hand, and so they smashed their way through and continued the advance. As they did, however, six more rays of light shone down from that golden globe above them. Instantly, six more warriors opened their golden eyes and began to charge towards them. The six original warriors didn't let up the pursuit either, continuing to press the assault. Now, there were a total of twelve warriors assaulting them.