Sweeping the Loot

Ji Ning, the Paragon of Pills, and Azurefiend flew over together. All eight floors of the tower had already crumbled apart, with the shattered remnants of the tower forming a pile of rubble atop a foundation of dirt that hovered there in space.

"Darknorth, why is it that the Daoguard Tower crumbled without you even attacking it?" The Paragon of Pills was puzzled. "I distinctly remember that it collapsed on its own."

"This Daoguard Tower wasn't all that strong; I expect that its owner was just a Hegemon," Ning said. "It would be too difficult for him to personally subdue a nagapede like that, and so he used the entire Daoguard Tower to keep it sealed and suppressed! So long as the tower was in good shape, the creature would be unable to break free… but once the tower began to crumble, the nagapede would appear and massacre everything around it."

The Paragon of Pills nodded slowly.