Solving the Heart of Eternity

Ji Ning stared at the six captured Sithe spies, then chuckled: "I'm a failed Daolord. Why would the Sithe be willing to expend this much effort on me?"

"It's best if we keep your status a secret," Autarch Stonerule said seriously. "The Sithe have never given up on their efforts to keep our entire Chaosverse under surveillance. In the past, we didn't really care as we were sure their army remained permanently sealed within the Sithe heartlands, but it now appears highly probable that they long ago found out a way to slip out undetected. They've been biding their time, waiting to deliver a fatal blow to us. We're quietly making arrangements for our forces throughout the Chaosverse to prepare for war, but this will take time. So long as you are still alive, the Sithe will be hesitant to start the war."