Fangs Revealed (part 1)

Dawnclear smiled as well. She knew that it was very likely that both of them would die, and so she cast away all her misgivings and followed her heart.

"Congratulations, Green Bamboo. Cognratulations, big sister Dawnclear." the other female Hegemon next to them said with a smile.

"Congratulations! Who would've thought that something so wonderful would happen during this calamity? Once we all leave this place safely, we'll have to hold a proper celebration," the muscular man said with a laugh.

"Yes, we must celebrate!" The other nearby Hegemons and Emperors all agreed. They were searching for a ray of light to illuminate them in this darkest hour. In truth, they all knew that the number of survivors could probably be counted on one hand… and if they weren't lucky, every single one of them would die!