Acting Recklessly

The Cultivation Union is a very large organization. Aside from a few people, no one knows exactly how many countries are part of the union.

The minimum requirement for a country to become a true member of the cultivation union is to reach rank 6 and gain their own cultivation planet.

Generally speaking, as long as the country is a cultivation country, they belong to the cultivation union. But there are countless cultivations countries, so the union doesn’t have time to manage them all personally.

So generally speaking, all cultivation countries rank 5 and below are managed by the rank 6 cultivation country on the planet.

The country Suzaku rose at an insane speed. It went from rank 1 to rank 6 in only 100,000 years, becoming one of the rare rank 6 cultivation countries.

After becoming a rank 6 cultivation country, they gained the right to have their own cultivation planet. That planet was named planet Suzaku by the cultivation union.