Im Begging You Celestial Capture Net...

"Celestial qilin!" After the short old man saw Wang Lin release a qilin, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Then he saw the qilin's gaze and his heart trembled.

All of the celestial beast feeds trembled when the qilin appeared; it was as if they had just met their natural enemy. They all let out sharp shrills and without any hesitation they turned around to escape.

Not only the ones in the sky, but even the the cultivators on the ground began to tremble as if they were enduring a lot of pain. Green lines appeared on the heads of the cultivators and condensed into dots on each of their heads.

Seeing that those celestial beast feeds were about to escape, the qilin let out invisible gas from its nose. This gas spread out like a roar, and it contained a mysterious force within it. All of the surrounding celestial beast feeds trembled and didn't dare to escape anymore.