Peerless, Battle of Dao

Xu Fenghan's words were interrupted by the disappearance of the spear.

As his slender figure walked out from the dust, his face was pale and was in a somewhat sorry state. His eyes were cold and were carrying a crazy amount of killing intent.

"You're very good, very good!" A cold voice came from his mouth and was also gnashing through his teeth. To be pushed this far by a first step cultivator was a disgrace! He had forgotten that he came here for the pieces of treasure fragments underground. The only thing in his mind was killing Wang Lin!

Wang Lin secretly sighed. It was very difficult to kill a second step cultivator. All of the calculations and attacks were done to give the celestial guard a chance for that punch. If it was any first step cultivator, they wouldn't have been able to block that attack.

However, he could only injure but not kill an Illusory Yin cultivator who couldn't even be considered to have truly reached the second step.