Fighting Liu Jingshan

The moment that amazing Spiritual Energy pressure was emitted from Mu Chen’s body, everybody within the city was completely dumbfounded. Countless individuals stared blankly at the boy’s figure, as rumbling waves flooded their hearts. Their minds had stopped completely.

How could he possess such terrifying strength?


Liu Zong, Liu Ming and Liu Mubai were speechless. They had an incredulous expression plastered on their face as if they had just seen a ghost.

“Heavenly Fusion Stage?!”

In the sky, Liu Jingshan, who had maintained an indifferent expression all this time, suddenly narrowed his eyes. His gaze fixated itself onto Mu Chen’s body, which had black flames rising up from the surface. The pressure of this Spiritual Energy was in no way inferior to his. It had become evident that Mu Chen had also reached the Heavenly Fusion Stage at this moment.

The entire city was perfectly silent.