Divine Wood Scripture

By the side of the waterfall.

Mu Chen sat on top of a green rock, with Luo Li present near the waterfall not far away. At this moment, she had quietly closed her eyes, clearly gradually entering a training state.

Shooting a look at Luo Li's beautiful figure, Mu Chen started to steady his mind. As of now, with time being that precious, he needed to grasp all the time he could to further increase his strength. If not, as the most intense period of time for the Great Spiritual Academy Tournament arrives, wanting to rise to the top would not a simple task to accomplish.

After all, there were many crouching tigers and hidden dragons present within this Great Spiritual Academy Tournament.

As a shadow of deep pondering appeared within Mu Chen's eyes, he clenched his hand, only for some spiritual light to sparkle. In the next instant, the six Divine Wood Plaques appeared before him. As a green light shone from them, verdant life force started to perfuse from them.