Third Grade Spirit Disaster VS Hepta Rune Lighting Physique


Brilliant white light rays that looked like a blazing sun as rays of light shone into this horizon.

The bizarre scene instantly attracted the attention of everyone.


Mu Chen wore a serious look in his eyes as he clenched his fist and sent it out. In an instant, lighting that seemed like an enraged dragon roared as it charged forth along with boundless Spiritual Energy as it sped towards Ji Xuan, who was emitting the endless brilliance.

Ji Xuan stood in the sky and was at the center of the brilliant light as powerful Spiritual Energy fluctuated in his surroundings. His long black hair was fluttering as a chill filled his eyes.

He raised his head as he fixed his gaze onto the incoming black lightning, his mouth curled into a ridiculing smile as he moved, bursting forth.


His figure instantly appeared before the black lightning as he casually pushed his palm out towards the black lightning.
