Meeting of the Nine Lords

As Nine Nether left, the atmosphere at the stone platform was still rather frozen. Many people had thoughts flashing in their eyes. It seemed that the Meeting of the Nine Lords this time would probably not be peaceful.

Lord Blood Hawk squinted slightly and stared at Nine Nether as she departed. Some cruelness flashed in the depths of his eyes. Immediately, he smiled slightly and said, "Ha, I did not expect that after she left for a few years, her temper would become so bad.

"But I want to see who can take back the things that I have already swallowed!" He gave a forbidding smile and did not take Nine Nether's threat seriously. Although he knew that the Condor King had Nine Nether's back, he was not afraid. After all, the Condor King was only one of the three kings and could not control everything in the Daluo Territory by himself.

"Let's move!"

Lord Blood Hawk waved his hand and also stepped onto the hundred thousand foot stone stairs, moving up quickly.