Nine Nether Troop

The vast golden Sovereign celestial body stood tall in heaven and earth, as golden light permeated throughout all. The spiritual energy between heaven and earth showed signs of rampage, with torrents of converging spiritual energy wrapping around the Sovereign celestial body, painting a majestic sight.

Nine Nether hovered in mid-air, as she gazed at the Sovereign celestial body, shock written in her eyes. Although she had the physical constitution of a Divine Beast, and thus, could not cultivate a Sovereign celestial body, she was still knowledgeable and experienced enough to have seen many of the 99 Sovereign Celestial Bodies.

However, she couldn't help but feel shocked at what she now saw, for she found that most of the Sovereign celestial bodies which she had seen did not seem to have the power of this Sovereign celestial body now before her.