The Power of Nine Suns

In the vast, empty cave, Mandela's petite body was wrapped under the loose black robe. Her big golden eyes glanced calmly at Mu Chen, whose eyes flashed with excitement because of her words. "The Great Solar Undying Body is the foundation to cultivating the Primordial Immortal Body, and although it is not included within the ranks of the 99 Sovereign Celestial Bodies, if it were included, it could at least be ranked within the top 30 positions."

"Top 30? That powerful?"

Mu Chen was surprised. He had never belittled the Great Solar Undying Body, but he had never thought it would be ranked among the top 30, as he was clear that the Sovereign Celestial Bodies who were ranked within the top 30 could be considered as a sect's key treasure among the primordial clans and superpowers. At least, such powerful ranks of Sovereign Celestial Bodies would not appear in Daluo Territory.