Thunder Magic Tribulation

The golden demonic pillar crushed the thunder magic hand and continued its descent. Eventually, under the countless shocked stares, it smashed hard onto the huge arms that were crossed in front of the Thunder Magic Celestial Body.


At the moment of collision, a loud sound erupted. The gigantic Thunder Magic Celestial Body immediately fell from the sky, its feet causing two mountains to collapse. Its ten thousand foot tall body sank into the ground, right up to its waist, and many large cracks spread out rapidly.

Upon seeing such a scene, everyone's eyes widened. In the sky, the Great Solar Undying Body stood in mid-air. Its dignified golden pupils stared at the Thunder Magic Celestial Body, which had been struck into the ground. Meanwhile, Mu Chen's thunder-like mocking sound spread throughout the space.

"It seems like someone else was displaying his skills in front of an expert."