Spiritual Four Battle Array

The rotten smell lingered around the land of darkness. Bones were vaguely exposed, scattered along the soil. The ground was filled with hideous cracks, which signified the numerous fierce battles that broken out here in the ancient times.

The alliance army entered into an empty zone between the external troop and the internal troop, having made it through the blockade. The external troops had never been to this piece of land before.

They opted to no longer attack the alliance army at the moment, even though they have lost their minds. Thus, the alliance army was able to take a small break from the intense battle.

But, while the army regrouped, the leaders from the various forces wore stern looks, gazing forward. The darkness loomed, blocking any clear vision ahead. Everyone could sense the daunting pressure that was exuding from the darkness. Even the expression on the face of a Grade Six Sovereign could not help but change.