The Gathering of the Lords

"Henceforth, he shall no longer be able to control fighting spirits…"

The moment those words came out of Mu Chen's mouth, not only did Snapper's face change drastically, but even Nine Nether and the others standing to the side were also taken aback, their expressions conveying their shock.

"How is that possible?!" Snapper had lost all color in her face. Their Genius of War merely lost one battle, and his body's spiritual energy was still stable, so how was it possible that all of a sudden he couldn't even control fighting spirits anymore?

However, Mu Chen ignored Snapper, who was standing across from him, and instead stared at the pale face of the Demon's Gate Genius of War, whose eyes were tightly shut, and continued, "Not only can your Genius of War no longer control fighting spirits, he can never regain consciousness again. He is now just a living corpse, and when his spiritual energy depletes itself naturally, the decay of his physical body will follow."