Intense Battle against Liu Qing

Two giants stood in the air, and terrible spiritual energy swept out like a raging storm. It roared between the heavens and the earth, and the clouds in the sky were torn to pieces.

Although the area had long been blocked by Mandela, it was still within the boundaries of Daluotian, so when such astonishing spiritual fluctuations erupted, the area soon became a little turbulent. Countless silhouettes whistled in the distance and eventually floated far above the sky, watching the confrontation.

They did not intrude into the area at will, for they also saw Mandela, and since the Dominator was there, the battle before them was taking place with her permission.

Some of the Sovereigns who had the responsibility of defense breathed a quiet sigh of relief, then turned their attention to the distant confrontation. A look of surprise appeared in their eyes.

"Isn't that Lord Mu?"