Ink Blade and Ink Ring

"Tianghuan Clan Leader, it would be disrespectful of me to decline the last slot."

Mu Chen's voice spread around the square and drew countless varying reactions from the crowd, yet no one dared mock him. This was because Mu Chen's previous performance had not only convinced them, but it had also left the cautious elders speechless for some time! They certainly hadn't thought that he would have ever been able to defeat Jiang Ya and Qin Xuan!

"This guy, Mu Chen, is actually qualified to represent the Nine Netherbird clan in entering the Land of the Divine Beasts…"

Some people from the Nine Netherbird clan nodded silently. Judging from Mu Chen's fighting force, which he had shown previously, only Ink Blade and Nine Nether could transcend him among the young generation from the Nine Netherbird clan.