Blood Spirit Soil

It was a land of darkness, which made one feel ultimately repressed and heavy.


The gloomy silence, which had lasted for quite some time, was finally broken all of a sudden. Waves then crashed through the void, bursting out like a streamer into the dark space.

Four shades of shadows emerged, standing high up in this space, as surges of spiritual energy enfolded their bodies. After they observed their surroundings vigilantly for a few moments, they tuned down the Spiritual Light that was around their bodies.

As their Spiritual Energy gradually dimmed, their silhouettes slowly became more apparent. It was none other than Nine Nether, Mu Chen, Ink Blade and Ink Ring!

"So, this is the Land of the Divine Beasts?" Mu Chen looked into the space, startled. Everywhere his vision could reach was filled with darkness, it was not even close to being the Land of Divine Beasts that others had described.