Golden Break

Standing before the greyish-white forest, the leader from the Sirius Clan stared at Mu Chen and the rest. His eyes were bloodshot, the razor-sharp radiance coming out from them seeming to pierce through them.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry, Huo Yang. These are my friends from the Nine Netherbird Clan, as well as my partners," Han Shan explained with a smile.


The leader, Huo Yang, slightly frowned. He then sneered. "Han Shan, do you think that the treasures here are endless? I do not agree to one more group of people sharing our profits."

Han Shan said, "Huo Yang, rest assured that, since I've invited them of my own accord, I will share my portion of the rewards with them. Your share remains yours entirely."

Huo Yang slightly softened his expression when he heard this. But, he continued to stare hard at Mu Chen. He drew his lips, a despising look flashing in his eyes.