Nine Ferocious Heavenly Beast Body

In the great battle arena, Xia Hong stood tall. Crimson waves swept out from his body, and such momentum actually made the heavens and earth darken.

He pointed the crimson spear towards the ground, and the tip of the spear shimmered with red light. As it shined and surged, a wave tore the hard ground apart like tofu, and deep and unfathomable cracks were gouged out of the ground.

Red armor wrapped around his body. A red dragon soared on the battle armor, and the roars of a dragon could vaguely be heard as strong spiritual energy fluctuations gradually radiated. Xia Hong's momentum was so strong that it caused many to shiver.

In this part of the world, the strong men from all sides also looked at Xia Hong with shocked expressions. Finally, they shook their heads with envy. The Great Xia Dynasty was indeed rich. This set of equipment on Xia Hong's body was enough to make the other Ninth Grade Sovereigns jealous.