The Final Victor


Ling Zhanzi's blow caused a vast amount of spiritual energy to amass like a storm, which eventually turned into a huge fist mark. A gust of power radiated out, and the whole world shuddered from the force of the punch.

Ling Zhanzi's face turned pale the moment he served the punch. Yet, a sense of pride glinted in his eyes, as the power of this punch was almost at his limit. Even the strongest master who was top among the Upper Earthly Sovereigns would cower before such a punch!

"Even if after this I am no longer capable of battle, my punch would certainly force Mu Chen to leave the battlefield. Then, the one remaining position will still fall into the Western Kingdom War Temple's hands. After which, the hall master will surely compensate me for my loss somehow!" Ling Zhanzi's eyes were shining.