
Three shadows, accompanied by a majestic spiritual light, condensed out of the sea. When they appeared, an extraordinarily strong spiritual oppression spread out.

Upon seeing the three figures, Nine Nether's face twisted. This was because the three men were so famous that, in the present Divine Beast Clan, their prestige was probably only below that of Huang Xuanzhi!

At the moment, their sudden appearances were very unsettling, and she wondered... What do they want?

Compared to Nine Nether's anxious state, Mu Chen was calm, but there was a faint look of surprise on his face, as he obviously did not expect this to happen.

"It looks like you have high regard for me, as you actually brought companions along." Mu Chen smiled at the three figures, while spiritual energy surrounded him and his body slowly showed signs of transforming into a shimmering Spiritual Body.