The Emperor and Ancestor Challenged the Evil Deity (2)

"Five-eyed Evil Deity…" the Flame Emperor exclaimed as he and the Martial Ancestor looked solemnly at the faraway figure, which looked like a Demonic God. The current Heavenly Evil Deity was incredibly domineering, and both of them felt very stressed about it.

"This demon is really unfathomable!" the Flame Emperor exclaimed.

"Regardless of how strong he is, we need to make sure he dies today!" Martial Ancestor said in a low voice, while coldness swirled in his eyes. He detested the Extraterritorial Race most of all.

"That was exactly what I was thinking." The Flame Emperor smiled as flames erupted from his eyes.


As his voice faded, both of their bodies jerked. At the same time, endless spiritual energy gathered and formed boundless spiritual oceans behind them.