The three Americans walked over to Zheng with the glass bottles. An old professor took the black book into his tent then tried to open the book.

“Hi, O’Connell. How much do you think these are worth? Haha, I heard you found a moist mummy. That’s so funny. Maybe you can dry it in the sun and use it for a fire…” One of the Americans laughed out loud.

Zheng knew that the plot was moving normally when he saw the three Americans here. Evelyn took out a few beetle shells from her bag with a sly smile. “Look at what this is. The remains of the scarabs. They are a meat eating insect. We found them inside the mummy’s coffin. These scarabs can live for several years when they have a body to consume… That mummy friend of ours was eaten by these scarabs. Oh and he was alive when he was being eaten.”