Gando sat on the ground. He looked miserable with a pale and swollen face. It was like when your face was roughly squeezed and kneaded by a bunch of men. Though if you were to look at the wounds closely you would see the round and swollen areas looked like stings by bees.

“What do you think? This is the second night already. Do you still think your comrades will come save you? Don’t kid me. They don’t even know where you are. Plus, will they dare to attack us in front of countless troopers? Stop being naïve. Everything in this world is based off of interests. Just say it. Tell me how many members are in team China, each member’s abilities and powers, their enhancements, and their face and names. Say it and we will be sure to let you go. We can even give you a rune word stone that allows you to survive negative points. How’s it?” Gando’s eyes were shut. A young man’s voice appeared directly in his mind.