Zheng was also feeling contradicting. He did not want to go against his heart and let the hundreds of thousands of soldiers die, yet he also wanted to protect his comrades, to survive this movie without casualty. This contradicting thought prevented him from denouncing Xuan. However, he could not peacefully face his true self and decided to run away from it. He handed everything to his instincts in the unlocked mode, the him that resided in the depth of his DNA.

(Perhaps… there’s really a demon hiding in my DNA…) He felt such comfort after he let loose of himself, giving his control to the demon in his DNA. If he must describe this comfort in a word, it would be freedom. A freedom of both his mind and body, as though he could fly through the sky in an instant and split the earth in halves. He nearly drowned himself in this feeling, if it wasn’t the last bit of reason held him back.

However, this feeling was amazing. And this power… overwhelming!