The tides of a battle were constantly changing. Zheng attentively observed. The berserk of Li-Kong was unexpected. He made a rough estimate and concluded that Li-Kong was still quite a bit weaker than YinKong. He decided not to appear and interfere at the time. It was a difficult task to explain where he came from.

When YinKong one shot Li-Kong with ease, he cheered for a second before he saw Li-Kong was still alive and smashed YinKong on the waist with a punch. She coughed up blood and was sent flying. Without any delay, Zheng entered the third stage then emulated YinKong’s thinking process.

Li-Kong grabbed his head and neck with his hands then twisted it back to place. Ka-cha~ The bones inside this section of the neck were fractured and his head was in an abnormal position. As Zheng surfaced in the dream world, the skin and flesh on Li-Kong’s neck squirmed like a worm, gradually correcting the distortion.